- 2003-02-11 ebay selling -
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(2234) View this spam as a pruned html file toasted spam dot com - 2003-02-11 ebay selling -
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Subject: FREE auction tools for more$$$$                                                        
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 20:25:13 +0100
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<html><br><head><br><title>ad1-ebay</title><br></head><br><br><br><body bgcolor=#FFFFFF><br><style>A:link {text-decoration:none; font-size: 16pt; color: red; font-family: tahoma; font-weight: bold; background-color: <br><br>none;}<br><br>A:visited {text-decoration:none; font-size: 16pt; color: red; font-family: tahoma; font-weight: bold; background-color: <br><br>none;}<br><br>A:active {text-decoration:none; font-size: 16pt; color : red; font-family: tahoma; font-weight: bold; background-color: <br><br>none;}<br><br>A:hover {text-decoration:none; font-size: 16pt; color: #434343; font-family: tahoma; font-weight: bold; background-color: <br><br>none;}<br></style><br><center><br><br><br><table width=630 border=0 bordercolor=#00000 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><br> <tr><br>  <td width=630 bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center><br><br> <br><br><table width=600 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><br> <tr><br>  <td width=600 height=1 bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=center><br>  <img src="" border=0 align=left><br>  </td><br> </tr><br> <tr><br>  <td width=600 height=1 bgcolor=#FFFFFF><hr></td><br> </tr><br> <tr><br>  <td width=600 height=174 bgcolor=#FFFFFF><br><br>   <a href=""><br>    <img src="" width=600 height=174 border=0></a></td><br> </tr><br> <tr><br>  <td width=600 bgcolor=#FFFFFF valign=top align=justify><br>  <div align=center><br><br>  <A <br>      href="">Sign Up & Learn How <br>      to Obtain Multiple Streams of Revenue Using eBay & The <br>      Internet</A><p align=justify><br><br>  <font style="COLOR: #000000; FONT: 9pt MS Normal,Arial,Verdana,Tahoma"><br>  As most of you know I typically <br>      do not send out these types of offers, however, this program and free <br>      offer is just too mind-boggling ? Read this and attend this online <br>      training ? The free software and training are truly amazing ? This live <br>      online training can teach anyone how to make Big Money using eBay and the <br>      Internet!<p align=center><br><br><br>  <A href=""><font style="COLOR: green; FONT: 12pt Verdana,Tahoma"><b>Are you <br><br>interested in financial freedom?</a><p align=justify><br>  <font style="COLOR: #000000; FONT: 9pt MS Normal,Arial,Verdana,Tahoma"><br>  This is the live online training class that started it all. This class teaches you how to<br>create multiple sources of income from eBay, auctions and the Internet. Our online<br>education technology provides the gateway for the interactive class. The course is taught<br>personally by Craig Meyer, HIMSELF. The luxury is that you learn from the comfort of<br>your home on your own PC. <font style="COLOR: #000000; FONT: 9pt MS Normal,Verdana,Tahoma"> Attend your 1st<br>class, it's FREE.<p align=center><b> The first 200 responders receive the Auction Profits Tool Kit, again all for FREE*. <img <br><br>src="" align=right><font style="COLOR: blue; FONT: 10pt Verdana,Tahoma"><p align=center><b>ALL <br><br>YOU NEED TO DO RIGHT NOW IS REGISTER FOR THE CLASS TODAY.<br><br><br>  <p align=center><br><br>   <a href="">click here to Register</a><div><font style="COLOR: <br><br>#000000; FONT: 9pt MS Normal,Verdana,Tahoma"><b><p><br>   You have been selected to <br>      participate in this offer at absolutely no cost to you<img src="" width=330 <br><br>height=268 align=left><br><br><br>  </td><br> </tr><br> <br> <tr><br>  <td width=600 bgcolor=#FFFFFF valign=top><br><br>      <font style="COLOR: #000000; FONT: 9pt MS Normal,Arial,Verdana,Tahoma">You will be amazed at the <br>      information that will be revealed at this live online training ? You will <br>      learn the techniques that the experts use to profit big on eBay, how to <br>      work <U>directly</U> with manufacturers to acquire almost any product at <br>      big discounts that you can sell for big profits, the secrets to acquiring <br>      products with none of your own money, learn what key words can drive <br>      traffic to your auctions, the benefits of using an automated auction <br>      management program, why you should consider a web site (we don?t sell web <br>      sites), how to discover your niche in a crowded market and a whole lot <br>      more. The bottom line is - <I><B><font style="COLOR: red; FONT: 9pt MS Normal,Arial,Verdana,Tahoma">you will receive an <br>      incredible education!<br>   <p><br>   <font style="COLOR: #000000; FONT: 10pt Verdana,Tahoma"><b><br>  This is not a get rich quick <br>      program ? It is a live internet based training program that can help <br>      anyone build a small to medium size online business that could generate <br>      $3,000 to $10,000 a month or more using eBay and the Internet. You <br>      participate in this training at the comfort of your own personal computer <br>      in your home or office ? It?s the greatest technology in the world ? it?s <br>      like having an expert standing over your shoulder and walking you through <br>      each strategy step by step. Beginner to Advance you will be exposed to the <br>      most powerful strategies on eBay and the Internet today!<br><br>  </td><br> </tr><br> <tr><br>  <td width=600 height=8 bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=justify><br>  </td><br>  </tr><br> <tr><br>  <td width=600 height=78 bgcolor=#FFFFFF align=justify><P><br> <font style="COLOR: blue; FONT: 8pt Verdana,Tahoma"><b><br>      This live training will teach <br>      you the strategies that the experts use to make Big Money ? You will be <br>      amazed at how quickly you could be generating Big Money using eBay and the <br>      Internet ? It?s really easy when you have a proven system. Besides that <br>      you have absolutely nothing to lose. This online training class is <br>      free!</P><br>      <P align=justify><font style="COLOR: green; FONT: 8pt Verdana,Tahoma"><b><br>      Immediately after registration <br>      you will receive a confirmation email ? KEEP THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL HANDY! <br>      It contains the codes and access numbers to view the program on your PC <br>      and get on the call</P><br>      <P align=justify><font style="COLOR: red; FONT: 8pt Verdana,Tahoma"><b><br>      This training will sell out ? <br>      actually since this <B>entire</B> online training class is free it will simply fill up, <br>      once it?s full it?s full ? to guarantee your participation register right <br>      now!</P><div align=center><br><br>      <A <br>      href="">One Simple Click to <br>      Register Now!</A><br>      <P align=center><font style="COLOR: black; FONT: 8pt Verdana,Tahoma"><b>Regards,</P><br> <p><font style="COLOR: black; FONT: 8pt Verdana,Tahoma"><b>Stephen Hendricks<p><br>      <font style="COLOR: black; FONT: 8pt Verdana,Tahoma"><bMultiple Streams of eBay and Internet Revenue<br> <P><FONT face=Arial> Complete Opting-out system located at <br>      website.</FONT></P><br>  <br>  </td><br> </tr><br></table><br><br></td><br></tr><br></table><br><br><br></body><br></html><br>


status:       production
organization: LTT
owner:        John Bloke
address:      9559 Carona St
city:         OP
state:        OE
postal-code:  43201
country:      US
registrar:    JORE-1
created:      2003-01-25 01:51:40 UTC JORE-1
modified:     2003-01-25 02:09:13 UTC JORE-1
expires:      2004-01-24 19:51:20 UTC 

db-updated:   2003-02-11 13:35:05 UTC 

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Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL) toasted spam dot com