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midrangeserver.com_0001 - 2003-02-26 midrange server newsletter - www.midrangeserver.com/mid mailto:midserver@worldnet.att.net 212-942-5818
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Subject: Midrange Server, Windows & Linux Edition, for February 26, 2003
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 19:04:26 -0800
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From: Midrange Server <mid@midrangeserver.com>
To: Midrange Server Windows and Linux Subscribers <mid@listserver.midrangeserver.com>

Midrange Server -- The Enterprise Windows & Linux Advisor
Windows & Linux Edition, Volume 2, Number 8 -- February 26, 2003

Bill's, Andy's, and Linus' Enterprise Adventure, Every Week
View this page online at http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603.html

This Issue Sponsored By:

Hewlett-Packard -- http://www.hp.com
Stalker Software  -- http://www.stalker.com/ads/midrange1.html
Acucorp -- http://www.acucorp.com/tracking/bannerads/midrangeserver/sidebanner120x240

++++++++++++  Sponsored By HEWLETT-PACKARD  +++++++++++++++++

You have to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Wouldn't it be nice if your infrastructure could help get you 
there? It can, with ProLiant server technologies from HP.

Reliable. Scalable. Manageable.

And built on industry standards. So your infrastructure can 
adapt to change just as quickly as you do.

For more information, visit http://www.hp.com , or call 
1.800.282.6672, option 5.


Intel Talks Up Xeon, Itanium Roadmaps at IDF
by Timothy Prickett Morgan

Intel was hosting its Spring Intel Developer Forum in San Jose last week, and late 
last week Mike Fister, senior vice president and general manager of Intel's Enterprise 
Platforms Group, spilled the beans about Intel's upcoming roadmaps for its IA-32 and 
IA-64 processors for servers. While there has been much talk about the 64-bit Itanium 
roadmap, Intel has not said much about its plans beyond the current "Prestonia" and 
"Gallatins" with the 32-bit Pentium 4 Xeon DP and MP chips.


++++++++++++  Sponsored By STALKER SOFTWARE  +++++++++++++++++


* Proven Reliability and Scalability
* Integrated, easy-to-maintain E-mail and 
  collaboration solution
* Standards based messaging protocols 
* Web Based E-mail and Administration
* Central Directory and LDAP Services
* Secure (SSL/TLS) connections
* Advanced Spam and Anti-virus protection
* Over 30 supported OS/hardware combinations

FREE TRIAL: http://www.stalker.com/ads/midrange1.html


Microsoft Buys Connectix for Virtual Machine Partitioning
by Timothy Prickett Morgan

Microsoft last Friday acquired the virtual partitioning software, patents, and key 
employees of a small, private software maker called Connectix, a specialist in virtual 
machine partitioning technology for Windows, Linux, and MacOS machines. In effect, 
Microsoft has bought itself virtual partitioning software, which it sorely lacks. Other 
vendors sell virtual machine software that works on Windows, but Microsoft has no 
control over them. The truth is, there is no all-Microsoft-Windows virtual machine 
solution to sell against Unix, Linux, and proprietary machines.


++++++++++++++++++  Sponsored By ACUCORP  +++++++++++++++++++

Acucorp is a leading developer of application extension 
solutions running on over 600 platforms such as Linux.

These extend5 solutions include a powerful ANSI COBOL 
compiler, an integrated development environment, web 
deployment technology, seamless interfaces to RDBMS, 
COBOL-based GUI development, distributed processing and 
client/server technology.

For more information, visit http://www.acucorp.com/linux .


xSeries GM Susan Whitney: IBM Will Push Intel Engines
by Dan Burger

IBM's Intel-based server business is gaining momentum, with a 16 percent revenue 
increase in 2002 to $2.8 billion in sales. These gains have been driven by IBM's 
success with eight-way boxes and blade servers. In terms of worldwide Intel-based 
server revenues, the xSeries line has a shot at passing Dell, currently in the number-two 
position, but industry leader Hewlett-Packard still outsells IBM by nearly two to one. So 
what is IBM going to do about it?



Inventive Designers Readies Scriptura for the Enterprise
by Alex Woodie

Inventive Designers has issued a new release of Scriptura, its XML-based, multiplatform 
document design and output management tool. With Scriptura 1.1, the company has 
enhanced the Scriptura Designer with new features such as print preview and improved 
text control. The Scriptura engine has undergone an overhaul as well, as Inventive 
Designer has released a new Enterprise Edition of the engine designed for high-volume 
printing, with new features such as intelligent data caching and support for the PCL5 print 
data stream.



Mad Dog 21/21: When the Saints Go Marching In
by Hesh Wiener

Biblical scholars and theologians may argue forever whether Moses was the single 
most important figure in the Old Testament. There are plenty of contenders, to be 
sure. But Moses enjoys a special distinction: In Venice, he is a saint. The evidence 
is the church of San Moise, built in the 10th century and remodeled endlessly since 
that time. 



But Wait, There's More. . .

Expect IBM's Express Family to Grow in Second Quarter . . . IBM Enhances Storage 
for SMBs . . . JDA Donates $3.5 Million to Canadian School for Retailers . . . 
Symantec Releases New Antivirus Software for Domino Platforms . . . IT Security 
Top Concern of U.S. Manufacturers, Dataquest Reports. . . 



Reader Feedback and Insights 

We value your feedback and your insights into the Windows and 
Linux server markets. Feel free to drop us a letter to the 
editor and we will post them in a reader feedback column 
associated with this newsletter.



Timothy Prickett Morgan -- mailto:tpm@midrangeserver.com

Managing Editor
Shannon Pastore -- mailto:spastore@midrangeserver.com

Contributing Editors
Dan Burger -- mailto:dburger@midrangeserver.com
Joe Hertvik -- mailto:jhertvik@midrangeserver.com
Shannon O'Donnell -- mailto:sodonnell@midrangeserver.com
Victor Rozek -- mailto:vrozek@midrangeserver.com
Hesh Wiener -- mailto:maddog@tech-news.com
Alex Woodie -- mailto:awoodie@midrangeserver.com

Publisher and Advertising Director
Jenny Delroy -- mailto:jdelroy@midrangeserver.com

Advertising Sales Representative: 
Kim Reed -- mailto:kreed@midrangeserver.com

Contact the Editors
Do you have a gripe, inside dope or an opinion?
Email the editors: mailto:editors@midrangeserver.com


Subscription Information: To unsubscribe, change your email 
address, or sign up for any of Midrange Server's free 
e-newsletters, visit 

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                <font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="3"><b><i><span class="ah">Windows & Linux Edition</span></i></b></font><br>
                 <font face="Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad">Volume 2, Number 8 -- February 26, 2003</span></font><br>
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                <font face="sans-serif">   <b>In This Issue</b></font> 
              <td align="center" bgcolor="white">
                <p align="center" style="margin-top : 1ex; margin-bottom : 0;">
                  <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="ab">Bill's, Andy's, and Linus' Enterprise Adventure, Every Week<br>
                   View this issue online at <a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603.html">http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603.html</a></span></font><br>
                <!-- Ad Slots 1 and 2 -->
                <table border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="3" summary="ads" width="240">
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                      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#91c1db" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#cae0ed" summary="ad" width="240">
                          <td align="center" bgcolor="white">
                            <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad">Sponsored By<br>
                             <img height="1" alt="" src="http://www.mid-server.com/foxtrot/pv/pv-mid-hp-1.gif" border="0"><b>HEWLETT-PACKARD</b></span></font> 
                            <p class="c">
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad"><font color="blue"><b>You have to stay one step ahead<br> of the competition.</b></font></span></font><br>
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad">Wouldn't it be nice if your infrastructure could help get you there? It can, with ProLiant server technologies from HP.</span></font><br>
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad"><font color="red">Reliable. Scalable. Manageable.</font></span></font><br>
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad">And built on industry standards. So your infrastructure can adapt to change just as quickly as you do.</span></font><br>
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad"><b>For more information, visit <a target="new" href="http://www.hp.com">www.hp.com</a>, or call 1.800.282.6672, option 5.</b></span></font><br>
                    <td width="240" valign="top">
                      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#91c1db" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#cae0ed" summary="ad" width="240">
                          <td align="center" bgcolor="white">
                            <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad">Sponsored By<br>
                             <img height="1" alt="" src="http://www.mid-server.com/foxtrot/pv/pv-mid-stalker-1.gif" border="0"><b>STALKER SOFTWARE</b></span></font> 
                            <p class="c">
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad"><b>COMMUNIGATE PRO MAIL SERVER</b></span></font><br>
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad">* Proven Reliability and Scalability<br>
* Integrated, easy-to-maintain E-mail and collaboration solution<br>
* Standards based messaging protocols -- POP, IMAP, HTTP, and SMTP<br>
* Web Based E-mail and Administration<br>
* Central Directory and LDAP Services<br>
* Secure (SSL/TLS) connections<br>
* Advanced Spam and Anti-virus protection<br>
* Over 30 supported OS/hardware combinations<br></span></font><br>
                            <p class="c">
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad"><b>FREE TRIAL: <a target="new" href="http://www.stalker.com/ads/midrange1.html">www.stalker.com</a></b></span></font><br>
                  <!-- Articles 1 and 2 -->
                  <tr valign="top">
                    <td width="240">
                        <font face="sans-serif"><b><span class="ah"><a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story01.html" class="bk">Intel Talks Up Xeon, Itanium Roadmaps at IDF</a></span></b></font><br>
                         <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="ab">by Timothy Prickett Morgan</span></font>
                        <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="as"><a target="new" href="http://www.intel.com">Intel</a> was hosting its Spring Intel Developer Forum in San Jose last week, and late last week Mike Fister, senior vice president and general manager of Intel's Enterprise Platforms Group, spilled the beans about Intel's upcoming roadmaps for its IA-32 and IA-64 processors for servers. While there has been much talk about the 64-bit Itanium roadmap, Intel has not said much about its plans beyond the current "Prestonia" and "Gallatins" with the 32-bit Pentium 4 Xeon DP and MP chips. <a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story01.html" class="bk"><b>READ MORE ></b></a></span></font>
                    <td width="240">
                        <font face="sans-serif"><b><span class="ah"><a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story02.html" class="bk">Microsoft Buys Connectix for Virtual Machine Partitioning</a></span></b></font><br>
                         <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="ab">by Timothy Prickett Morgan</span></font>
                        <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="as"><a target="new" href="http://www.microsoft.com">Microsoft</a> last Friday acquired the virtual partitioning software, patents, and key employees of a small, private software maker called <a target="new" href="http://www.connectix.com">Connectix</a>, a specialist in virtual machine partitioning technology for Windows, Linux, and MacOS machines. In effect, Microsoft has bought itself virtual partitioning software, which it sorely lacks. Other vendors sell virtual machine software that works on Windows, but Microsoft has no control over them. The truth is, there is no all-Microsoft-Windows virtual machine solution to sell against Unix, Linux, and proprietary machines. <a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story02.html" class="bk"><b>READ MORE ></b></a></span></font><br>
                  <!-- Ad Slots 3 and 4 -->
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                      <table border="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#91c1db" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#cae0ed" summary="ad" width="240">
                          <td align="center" bgcolor="white">
                            <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad">Sponsored By<br>
                             <img height="1" alt="" src="http://www.mid-server.com/foxtrot/pv/pv-mid-acucorp-1.gif" border="0"><b>ACUCORP</b></span></font> 
                            <p class="c">
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad"><b>Acucorp is a leading developer of application extension solutions running on over 600 platforms such as Linux.</b></span></font><br>
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad">These <b>extend5</b> solutions include a powerful ANSI COBOL compiler, an integrated development environment, web deployment technology, seamless interfaces to RDBMS, COBOL-based GUI development, distributed processing and client/server technology.</span></font><br>
                            <p class="c">
                              <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="ad"><b>For more information, visit <a target="new" href="http://www.acucorp.com">www.acucorp.com</a>.</b></span></font><br>
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                      <table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="240" summary="placeholder">
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                  <tr valign="top">
                    <td width="240">
                        <font face="sans-serif"><b><span class="ah"><a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story03.html" class="bk">xSeries GM Susan Whitney: IBM Will Push Intel Engines</a></span></b></font><br>
                         <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="ab">by Dan Burger</span></font>
                        <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="as"><a target="new" href="http://www.ibm.com">IBM</a>'s <a target="new" href="http://www.intel.com">Intel</a>-based server business is gaining momentum, with a 16 percent revenue increase in 2002 to $2.8 billion in sales. These gains have been driven by IBM's success with eight-way boxes and blade servers. In terms of worldwide Intel-based server revenues, the xSeries line has a shot at passing <a target="new" href="http://www.dell.com">Dell</a>, currently in the number-two position, but industry leader <a target="new" href="http://www.hp.com">Hewlett-Packard</a> still outsells IBM by nearly two to one. So what is IBM going to do about it? <a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story03.html" class="bk"><b>READ MORE ></b></a></span></font>
                    <td width="240">
                      <!--Article follows -->
                        <font face="sans-serif"><b><span class="ah"><a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story04.html" class="bk">Inventive Designers Readies Scriptura for the Enterprise</a></span></b></font><br>
                         <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="ab">by Alex Woodie</span></font>
                        <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="as"><a target="new" href="http://www.inventivedesigners.com">Inventive Designers</a> has issued a new release of Scriptura, its XML-based, multiplatform document design and output management tool. With Scriptura 1.1, the company has enhanced the Scriptura Designer with new features such as print preview and improved text control. The Scriptura engine has undergone an overhaul as well, as Inventive Designer has released a new Enterprise Edition of the engine designed for high-volume printing, with new features such as intelligent data caching and support for the PCL5 print data stream. <a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story04.html" class="bk"><b>READ MORE ></b></a></span></font><br>

                  <tr valign="top">
                    <td width="240">
                        <font face="sans-serif"><b><span class="ah"><a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story05.html" class="bk">Mad Dog 21/21: When the Saints Go Marching In</a></span></b></font><br>
                         <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="ab">by Hesh Wiener</span></font>
                        <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="as">Biblical scholars and theologians may argue forever whether Moses was the single most important figure in the Old Testament. There are plenty of contenders, to be sure. But Moses enjoys a special distinction: In Venice, he is a saint. The evidence is the church of San Moise, built in the 10th century and remodeled endlessly since that time. <a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story05.html" class="bk"><b>READ MORE ></b></a></span></font>
                    <td width="240">
                      <!--Article follows -->
                        <font face="sans-serif"><b><span class="ah"><a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story06.html" class="bk">But Wait, There's More. . .</a></span></b></font><br>
                        <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="as">Expect IBM's Express Family to Grow in Second Quarter . . . IBM Enhances Storage for SMBs . . . JDA Donates $3.5 Million to Canadian School for Retailers . . . Symantec Releases New Antivirus Software for Domino Platforms . . . IT Security Top Concern of U.S. Manufacturers, Dataquest Reports. . . <a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/mid/mid022603-story06.html" class="bk"><b>READ MORE ></b></a></span></font><br>

                    <td colspan="2">
                      <hr width="95%" size="1" noshade>
                        <font face="sans-serif"><b><span class="ah" style="color : #91c1db"><a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/contactus.html" class="bk">Reader Feedback and Insights</a></span></b></font>
                        <font face="'times new roman', times, serif" size="-1"><span class="as">We value your feedback and your insights into the OS/400 market. Feel free to send a letter to the editor. We will consider your letter a candidate for the reader feedback column associated with this newsletter, but we will contact you before we make your email public. <a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/contactus.html" class="bk"><b>READ MORE ></b></a></span></font><br>
                    <td colspan="2">
                      <hr size="1" noshade>
                      <div align="center" class="ad">
                        <div class="mh">
                          <b>Editor:</b> <a href="mailto:tpm@midrangeserver.com">Timothy Prickett Morgan</a><br>
                        <div class="mh">
                          <b>Managing Editor:</b> <a href="mailto:spastore@midrangeserver.com">Shannon Pastore</a><br>
                        <div class="mh">
                          <b>Contributing Editors:</b> <a href="mailto:dburger@midrangeserver.com">Dan Burger</a>, <a href="mailto:jhertvik@midrangeserver.com">Joe Hertvik</a>, <a href="mailto:sodonnell@midrangeserver.com">Shannon O'Donnell</a>,<br>
                           <a href="mailto:vrozek@midrangeserver.com">Victor Rozek</a>, <a href="mailto:maddog@tech-news.com">Hesh Wiener</a>, <a href="mailto:awoodie@midrangeserver.com">Alex Woodie</a><br>
                        <div class="mh">
                          <b>Publisher and Advertising Director:</b> <a href="mailto:jdelroy@midrangeserver.com">Jenny Delroy</a><br>
                        <div class="mh">
                          <b>Advertising Sales Representative:</b> <a href="mailto:kreed@midrangeserver.com">Kim Reed</a><br>
                        <div class="mh">
                          <b>Contact the Editors:</b> Do you have a gripe, inside dope or an opinion?<br>
                           Email <a href="mailto:editors@midrangeserver.com">editors@midrangeserver.com</a>
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                  <font face="sans-serif" size="-2"><span class="cr">Subscription Information: To unsubscribe, change your email address, or sign up for any of Midrange Server's free e-newsletters, visit <a href="http://www.midrangeserver.com/sub/subscribe.html">http://www.midrangeserver.com/sub/subscribe.html</a></span></font>
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                <font face="sans-serif" size="-1" color="white"><span class="wt"><span class="sh">THIS ISSUE<br>
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                <p align="center">
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      Midrange Server, Inc
      Timothy Prickett-Morgan
      50 Park Terrace East, #8F
      New York, NY 10034
      Phone: 212 942 5818
      Email: midserver@worldnet.att.net

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      Expires on..............: Sat, Jul 26, 2003
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   Administrative Contact:
      Midrange Server, Inc
      Timothy Prickett-Morgan
      50 Park Terrace East, #8F
      New York, NY 10034
      Phone: 212 942 5818
      Email: midserver@worldnet.att.net

   Technical Contact:
      John Yaworski
      PO Box 1111
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     OrgID:      LNET
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     Address:    PO Box 11565
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     NameServer: C15.LN.NET
     NameServer: NS.ISI.EDU
     NameServer: TRANTOR.UMD.EDU
     RegDate:    1995-08-21
     Updated:    1999-09-21

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     TechName:   LosNettos Hostmaster
     TechPhone:  +1-310-822-1511
     TechEmail:  hostmaster@ln.net

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