ac9560-sendfree.com_0001 - 2003-03-06 mlm -
Stupid spam

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ac9560-sendfree.com_0001 - 2003-03-06 mlm -
Return-Path: <>
Received: from DC3YW521 ( [])
        by mail.munged.ext (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id h26Hkca16888
        for <chien@munged.ext>; Thu, 6 Mar 2003 17:46:38 GMT
Message-Id: <200303061746.h26Hkca16888@mail.munged.ext>
Subject: Hi!   chien
To: chien@munged.ext
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 17:42:40 -0500
X-Library: Indy 8.0.25


Need a quick $100 today?
Need a quick $500 this week?

This may be the most COMMON SENSE email you've ever read 
because I'm gonna show you EXACTLY how I got SICK AND TIRED of 
all the stupid chain letters, MLM's and mathematically 
impossible matrix deals, and started making all the money I 
needed, right from my home computer.

I'm gonna show you EXACTLY how I get money deposited RIGHT to 
MY bank account (no company to hold my money while they "work 
things out"), and EXACTLY what I do every single day. This is 
for normal, hardworking people who want to make a steady, 
substantial and growing income from their computers, and to 
start making money today.

You DON'T need a website.
You DON'T need to talk to anyone. And...
you DON'T even need to pay
until YOU see that it works for YOU!

I'm not kidding you when I tell you that you can have a 
perfectly legal and legitimate home based business that starts 
earning you mone RIGHT AWAY, and that provides a STEADY and 
GROWING income - as much as you want to make!

I'm gonna give you the tools to make this an automated thing, 
so you can be earning money whether you're at your computer or 
not! Believe me when I tell you that this very simple system 
took me from worrying about bills to having fun shopping in 
less than a week!

Are YOU sick of it all yet?
Do YOU need a QUICK income?
Do YOU want control of your OWN money?

Simply send me a blank email to and 
autoresponder will immediately send you back the very simple 
and straightforward explanation of how YOU can do what I've 
done. Then you can decide if it's something you can do.

But don't kid yourself. You have to do SOMETHING different, 
right? What if I'm telling the truth? (And I can prove that I 
am?) Send a blank email to and see 
for yourself.

Best regards,
Andrew Connor

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